Newcastle Herald

How much does it cost to build a residential shed in Australia?

Let's take a closer look at each factor that impacts residential shed prices. Picture Shutterstock
Let's take a closer look at each factor that impacts residential shed prices. Picture Shutterstock

This article is in partnership with Fair Dinkum Builds.

For anyone who has been tinkering with the idea of building a residential shed, you've probably wondered how much it will cost. Right? With so many shed sizes, styles and further customisations, it's a tad tricky to work out an exact figure - there are just too many factors to consider.

So, let's take a closer look at each factor that impacts residential shed prices in Australia and get you one step closer to building the shed of your dreams.

Roof style

When it comes to roof styles, the price can vary depending on their different details. For starters, most sheds have a traditional peak roof, flat roof or skillion roof, but the more elaborate your roof design is, the higher the price.

So, roofs with decorative gables, skylights, and lofts will all elevate the cost of your shed. Fair Dinkum Builds, for instance, offers a wide range of stylish roof options for you to choose from.

Roof customisations include flat roofs, skillion roofs, gable and Dutch gable roofs, barn roofs and multi-level designs. Each of these comes with different roof pitches, and the steeper the roof, the more dangerous it is to install and the more labour you'll need.

The size factor

The bigger the shed - the more cash you'll dish out. One of the biggest contributors to your shed's cost is the size. But size can mean a lot in terms of cost per square metre (sqm) because it all depends on your personal use of the space. Is it for storage, or do you intend to live in it?

These factors determine the size of the shed you'll need, the customisations needed to it and the materials you'll need to use. Larger sheds with more features use more materials and require more time and labour.

Height matters

Want to park tall equipment or make room for overhead storage? Then, you will have to build a taller shed by either increasing the height of the walls or the roof's pitch. Building higher means more engineering, materials and time.

Cement slabs

Using a cement slab for your shed's foundation comes at a hefty cost, but you'll need to weigh up for yourself to see if it's necessary. Many sheds can be built on flat ground or with corner posts sunk into the ground, which should cost you a little less, but throwing a cement slab as a foundation for your shed will increase its stability. That being said, it seems like you can put a price tag on peace of mind.


Choosing the right materials for your shed is a pivotal task, especially if you plan to live in it. The type and amount of materials have a significant impact on pricing. High-quality materials will generally cost more because of their durability and function.

Going for lower-quality materials will give your shed a shorter lifespan, and you'll probably need to do maintenance more often. Fair Dinkum Builds uses only the highest-quality COLORBOND Steel to build their sheds to maximise durability and strength.

Shed kits

For anyone looking to put their DIY skills to the test and save a few dollars here and there, shed kits are a convenient and affordable option. Over time, these kits have improved, allowing you to customise their size, style, colours and interior. Even if you're quite the handyman, the affordability of a shed kit is hard to beat compared to building from scratch.


With building a shed, the extras are sometimes unavoidable, and they're going to impact the price of your building. Extras include windows, sliding doors, lofts, skylights, custom doors, awnings, gutter and water collection systems and anything else you could think of. Most of these extra features are essential, but the more extravagant your shed design is with extras, the more it will cost you.

Final thoughts

Getting a rough idea of what you'll spend building a residential shed is always a good idea, but there are just too many factors to consider when calculating costs. You've got to love the options customisable sheds can give you - but at what price?

Well, you'll need to contact a friendly and reputable company like Fair Dinkum Builds for a quote.

Remember, it's an investment that not only gives you a bespoke space but also potentially adds value to your property.